Introduction and Components
What is Svelte?
Advantages of Svelte
Svelte vs. other JavaScript frameworks
Setting up the development environment
Creating your first Svelte component
Understanding components in Svelte
Handling data with reactive statements
Binding and updating data
Computed properties and watchers
State Managment and UI
Managing local component state
Using props to pass data between components
Global state management with Svelte stores
Working with Svelte Context API
Event handling in Svelte
Form handling and validation
Keyboard and mouse events
Creating custom event handlers
Styling and Advanced Concepts
Inline and scoped styles in Svelte
CSS transitions and animations
Using CSS and UI frameworks with Svelte
Dynamic class and style bindings
TailwindCSS in Svelte
Component lifecycle methods
Conditional rendering and loops
Handling asynchronous operations
Consuming API data
Improving Svelte performance
SvelteKit and SSR
What is SvelteKit?
Setting up a SvelteKit project
Pages and layouts in SvelteKit
Routing and navigation in SvelteKit
Understanding server-side rendering (SSR)
Configuring server-side routes
Fetching data on the server
Handling SSR-specific scenarios
Advanced Features and Deployment
SvelteKit endpoints and serverless functions
Authentication and authorization in SvelteKit
Internationalization and localization
Optimizing SvelteKit applications
Building and bundling Svelte applications
Deployment strategies for SvelteKit
Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)
Performance optimization and best practices